The What Make A... series by Richard Muhlberger is readily available through most library systems. These books are around 50 pages that are both biography and art appreciation by following the life and the works of great artists. The series is put out by the Metropolitan Museum of Art, who has many images available online to view and download.

I decided to study Monet for this term, so I borrowed What Makes a Monet a Monet? from the library. I then logged into Oxford Art Online and downloaded the pictures, and printed them on matte paper to put in our art study notebook. I googled the few images in the book that were not available through the database; those pictures are smaller, so they don't print as well, but at least I had them. Now we can read through the book each week and study the images. Maybe we'll even make it back to the Met this summer and actually see these works!
I had already checked my library for the what makes series so I know they have them but I did not know about Oxford Online so I will bookmark that so I have it for the books. Thanks,great tip.
I have the same problem with coming up with an artist study, so THANKS for sharing these ideas. I'll have to look up both of these!
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